Monday 28 March 2011

The images above were rejected for a number of reasons:
2.Out of focus
3.Red Eye
4.Models not ready
5.Test images
6.Wrong background
7.Didnt fit in well with the magazine genre.
The above is some of the images I edited for my music magazine however some images I edited Ididn't end up using as it didnt fit in with the magazine.
The above powerpoint just shows some prepation images of my actual photoshoot.As you can see there are images of models getting ready and some of the make up and hair brushes they used.

Production log

Over the weekend I finshed my double page spread and am now half way through my evaluation.I aim to finsh the evaluation and upload all that I have done by Wednesday.

Friday 25 March 2011

Edit 3 Double Page Spread

Rare Sounds a renowned girl group based in the UK, recently released their new single ‘Struggle’   which went straight to no1 in the charts. Starting off as four individuals Kyra, Tasmin, Shona and Leah came together to become one of the youngest most successful girl group the UK has seen this year.                     Melody Beats has been fortunate enough to meet Rare Sounds and catch up with their hectic          life.

Finally we have a chance to meet you guys; what with you’re on the go lifestyle! There has been a lot of gossip lately about how you met. Could you tell us exactly how you met?
Tasmin: Well we were all at a performing arts audition and Kyra and Leah were a kind of a duet who were auditioning together where as me and Shona were auditioning singly.
Shona: We were all in the same audition group and erm the audition didn’t go greatly and only Kyra went through.
Kyra: I couldn’t believe when I got through and Leah didn’t so in the end it was a really hard decision to accept the offered place so basically I rejected the offer the performing arts agency made me. When we got out of the audition the girls were crying because it really meant a lot to them so I kind of gave them all a hug and reassured them. From there we swapped numbers and stayed in touch via Facebook and MySpace.
Leah: After that we emailed and talked a lot on the phone and went out for drinks and dinner and eventually as time went on we grew closer and closer. We were adamant that we didn’t want our talent go to waste so we decided to give it a go as a girl group. We rehearsed religiously for just over a year and then got our big break when we were spotted by Dave our now current music producer at a talent show and basically from there our career as singers took off.
Before you got noticed and signed my ‘Music with a Passion’ you guys used to be underrated artists, why do you think it took such a long time for you to get noticed?
Kyra: Each of us are unique in terms of vocal ability and personality. It took us quite a while to figure out how we can maximise our talent as a group. At times it was difficult and yeah at one point I did think the girl group wouldn’t work because our voices and personalities were different, but in the end we pulled through. We now understand each other so much better and this is channelled through our music.
Tasmin: It took us a while because we had to perfect our image, our music. Practice makes perfect! (All the girls laugh)
Your single ‘struggle’ reached no1 within 2 weeks of being released; did you expect it to be such a hit?
Leah: To be honest not really, we weren’t expecting such a huge reaction, so I think we were all taken aback a bit when we heard our single was being played and listened to like on TV and on the radio. Our video that also went alongside the song was being played on music channels like MTV as well as getting over a million hits on MySpace.
Tasmin: We weren’t expecting such a phenomenal reaction. Our actual original single we first made got rejected as it sounded to cliché so we scrapped that and created ‘Struggle’.
Shona: We were all just so happy our music is now recognised. We never thought that we would reach this far in the first place, so it’s a huge achievement for us.
And the title ‘Struggle’. Were you talking about getting a break in the music industry or was the song about something else?
Shona: OK I’m going to speak on behalf of all of us that way it saves time. We called the song Struggle because the song itself resembles our story of success and how we got to where we are now. A lot underrated stars can relate to the song as what happened to us is what they are going through. The song Struggle conveys a simple message of ‘If you stay persistent and strong, good fortune will come your way’, which is what we want to tell people who listen to the song. We never gave up so for those who are reading this and are thinking about quitting DONT!
Do you think that now that you have become an established group with almost immediate recognition and fame that other artists will see you as a potential threat to them?
Tasmin: I should hope not! At the end of the day this is what we do. It is our passion and ambition to create music. We wouldn’t want any jealousy or rivalry because at the end of the day that’s not what we are about. I am not saying a little completion isn’t healthy but our last wish is to upset and offend other artists who are equally as talented.
There are many artists collaborating with one another these days. Given a choice who would you like to work with and why?
Leah: Well there are a number of artists we would love to work with but at the moment we would love to work with Bruno Mars. He has an exceptional voice of which his personality shines through.
A little birdie told us your working on an album, can you tell us a bit about this album?
Kyra: Well at the moment we are working on an album hence the reason we have been so busy. Many new artists and a few older artists who have kind of died down are featuring in one particular tribute song which is going to be released on Comic Relief. The song is incredibly moving and is dedicated to those in a war torn countries. All the money we receive for the song is going straight to the charity Home Aid, who will use the money to give children and adults a better chance in life.
Leah: Straight after our single we got off to work on the album which we hope to release on Comic Relief. The theme we have chosen for our album is on a completely different level. This is our first album so we wanted to pull out all the stops and try things that we never had the opportunity to do before for example using just acoustic sounds in one of the songs on the album and using auto tune.
What is the name of the album?
Shona: Well the album is a mixture of different genres of music so it’s proving quite difficult to come up with a name at the moment that fits into the genres of the album.
So will we be seeing more of you?
Tasmin: This year we are releasing one of our songs on Comic Relief so tune into BBC1 where you can see us! (All laugh)

Edit 2 Double Page Spread

Rare Soundz a newly renowned girl group based in the UK recently released their new single ‘Struggle’, which went straight to number1 in the charts. Starting off as four individuals Kyra, Tasmin, Shona and Leah were brought together to become one of the youngest most successful girl group the UK has ever seen.

How and where did you guys meet?
Tasmin: Well we were all at a performing arts audition and Kyra and Leah were a kind of duet who were auditioning together where’s me and Shona were auditioning singly.
Shona : We were all in the same audition group and well the audition didn’t go too greatly and only Kyra went through.
Kyra: I couldn’t believe I got through and Leah didn’t so in the end it was a really hard decision to accept the offered place so I basically rejected them. When we got out of the audition all the other girls were crying because it really meant a lot to them so I kind of gave them all a hug. From there we swapped numbers.
Leah: We met up one day and eventually as time passed we became so close. We were adamant that we didn’t want our talent to go to waste so we decided to give it a go as a girl group. We rehearsed religiously for just over a year and were spotted by a group of artist & repertoires at a talent show and basically our career took off from there.

Before you got noticed and signed you guys used to be underrated artists, why do you think it took such a long time for you to get noticed?
Kyra: Each of us are unique in what we do and in terms of personality. It took us quite a while to figure out how we can maximise our talent in the group.
Shona: At times it was difficult and yeah at one point I did think that the girl group wouldn’t work because our voices and personalities were so different, but in the end we pulled through. We now understand each other so much better and this is channelled through our music.
Leah: It took us a while because we had to perfect our image, our music. Now look at us, The Saturday’s ain’t got nothing on us. (All girls laugh)
Tasmin: Practice makes perfect! (All girls laugh again)
Your single ‘Struggle’ reached no1 within 2 weeks of being released did you expect it to be such a hit?
Leah:  Not really, we weren’t expecting such a huge reaction, so i think we all were taken back a bit when we heard our single was being played and listened to everywhere and that it was no1 in just two weeks.
Tasmin: We weren’t expecting such a phenomenal reaction. Our actual original single we first made got rejected as it sounded to cliché so we scrapped that and created Struggle.
Shona: Were all just so happy our music is now recognised. We never thought that we would reach this far in the first place, so it’s a huge achievement for us.
Kyra: (Laughs) The others just about covered everything.

 What was the meaning behind the song ‘Struggle’?
Shona: OK I’m going to speak on behalf of all of us that way it saves time. We called the song Struggle because the song itself resembles our story of success and how we got to where we are now. A lot of under rated stars can relate to the song as what happened to us is what they are going through. The song Struggle conveys a simple message of ‘If you stay persistent and strong, good fortune will come your way’ ,which is what we want to tell people who listen to the song . We never gave up so nor should you.

The name of your group and your first single seems extremely close to heart and passionate. Name 3 words to describe the emotions that express both these names.
Leah:  Passion, commitment and support.
Kyra: Strentgh, Unique, Beloningness.
Shona: Rare, Beauty, Hope.
Tasmin: Personality, Music, Love.

Do you plan to collaborate and work with other artists in the future?
Tasmin: Of course! Right now we’re working on something but we can’t tell you what just yet. But yes we would love to work with other artists.
Kyra: The opportunities are endless.
Shona: Why not the more we gain experience the better the music.
Leah: Personally i would love to work with Bruno Mars!
A little birdie told us your working on a album, can you tell us a little bit about the album?
Kyra: All will be revealed in due time. ( All smile and laugh)

Edit 1 Double Page Spread

Rare Soundz a newly renowned duet group based in the UK recently released their new single Struggle, which went straight to n.o1 in the charts. Starting off as two individuals who knew nothing of each other’s existence, a helping hand from fate brought exceptionally talented Kyra and Shay together, both which have now become one of the youngest most successful R&B and grime duet groups the UK has ever seen.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Production Log

Today I aim to finsh my double page spread and start my evaluation. I have completly finshed my front cover and contents page.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Production Log

Today I am finishing editing my contents page and hope to make a start on my double page spread. Yesterday I completed my front cover and majority of my contents page.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Production Log

Today I am putting the final touches to my front cover. I have worked on it for nearly a week and still am finding it difficult on where to layout the sell lines.Tomorrow I hope to move onto the contents page.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Mood/Inspiration Board

The above is a mood/inspiration board of things that caught my attention when planning and researching for my music magazine.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Audio File Editing

The print screen above is of the focus group interview. The above is evidence of how I edited the audio file in order to take out pauses and errors.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

1. Melody Beats
2. Melody Beats
3. Melody Beats
4. Melody Beats
5. Melody Beats
6. Melody Beats
7. Melody Beats
8. Melody Beats
9. Melody Beats
10. Melody Beats
11. Melody Beats
12. Melody Beats
13 .Melody Beats
14. Melody Beats

The above is a rough brainstorm of some fonts I considered of using for the title (Melody Beats) in my music magazine front cover.The font I have chosen is  font number 8. I chose this font as I think it would directly address my target audience who are 14-20 year olds, this is because the font looks young and appealing furthermore I think it would fit in with my RnB genre.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Double Page Spread Sketch 2

The above is a second sketch of a possible layout of a double page spread that I may use in my music magazine. As with the other sketch and other music magazines out there, this layout is typical in that it follows similar conventions. Like the first sketch the main image is too the left . The title too is to the left as on the right hand side towards the bottom half of the page is where the copy is . The top half of the right hand side is where another image could go. This layout is effective as it is very simplistic and follows the impression that readers like to read the article and focus on pictures thus the reason why a image is on the  left hand side and the top half of the right hand side. This layout is very basic in that everything that is included in the double page spread is easily recognisable and visble.Again like the first sketch it doesnt over crowed the readers with too much information. Furthermore the number of images is likely to attact readers as it looks more appealing.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Double Page Spread Sketch 1

The above is my first sketch of what my double page spread could potentially look like. As with any other music magazine double page spread the main image is to the left  and the copy where the article would go is on the right hand side. Conventially the title of the article will be at the top. The layout of the double page spread shown above is specific in that it is failry spaced out, thus doesnt bombared the reader with too much wirting . The main image to the left is contributary in  that it draws readers attention as the first thing that stands out to them on the page is a image.

Front Page Sketch Two

The above shows another possible layout of my music magazine. This layout is slightly more formal than the previous front page sketch however the layout is blocked out in a way which allows for more image space and less writing.

Friday 4 February 2011

Front Page Sketch One

The above shows a rough sketch of my contents page. The contents page is clearly layed out. Like other music magazines there is a space for the title at the top of the page, there are boxes on the right hand side where the copy will go and on the left hand side a large space where a portait image would go. The layout of this contents page is quite spacious which benifits the audience as they would notbe overloaded with information.

Brief Plan

The above is just a simple really brief spider diagram of all the possibe features I expect to include in my final music magazine. As you can see it includes typical features that are expected in music magazines which will guide me when I start creating my actual music magazine.

Thursday 3 February 2011


Music Magazine names ideas
Treble beats
Treble Clef
Tick Tock

Here are a few ideas of names for my music magazine. As you can see they follow a trend in that they all follow a rnb/grime music theme.( The theme I have chosen for my music magazine).


This is a plan of the layout of how I think the layout of how my magazine should be. As you can see they layout has many typical features of a music magazine for example main image,masthead and sell lines. The layout is also spaced out which is usefull as in my final music magazine audience will not be bombarded with information as the layout is clearly structured and concise.


The image  above is a simple brainstorm i did of all the things i thought should be included in a music magazine. For example in the front cover of a magazine a main image is used which is used to draw audience in and as a means of identification. Another example of what would be expected in a front cover is sell lines, these are used to grab the audiences attention and draw them into the magazine. A feature expected in a contents page is a main image which audience use to identify with. Another feature expected in the contents page is a website . As audiences of the 21st centuray have become active users the online facilty has seen a rapid growth. Thefore many musics magazines now have a website link on their contents page where audiences can now get information online.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Graph 5 analysis

One of the last questions I asked in my questionnare was 'How much are you willing yo pay for a music  magazine'? Looking at the graph you can see that none of the people that took part in the questionnare were willing to pay over £4 and that the majority were only willing to pay £1-£3. From these results I think the optimum price at which to charge for my magazine would be £2-£3 .

Graph 4 analysis

Looking at the pie chart i am able to conclude that a large proportion of people buy magazines on a monthly basis,because of this I think that it would be ideal that my music magazine should be issued on a monthly basis. I also think it is a good idea to realse issues monthly so that the audience look foward as to what is coming in the upcoming issues as a appose to having a issue a week where audience might get slightly bored of reading about similar things.

Graph 3 analysis

From the graph you can see that the majority of the people that took part in my questionnare use the social networking site Facebook, therfore I feel that adding a Facebook link to my magazine or a Facebook magazine fan page would be worth while as the questionnare young people use Facebook regularly.

Graph 2 analysis

A second question I asked in my questionnare was ' What gender are you'? From the results above you can see that 12 females took part in my questionnare and 8 males took part. As the questionnare was handed out randomly I think that looking at the general results I should target both male and females in my music magazine as there wasnt a big difference between the number of males and females.

Graph 1 analysis

One of the questions I asked as part of my preliminary research was 'How old are you'? As shown on the graph majority of the people that answered the questionnare were in the age group 14-16. This suggests to me that I should perhaps target my magazine towards 14-20 years olds, even though majority of the people that took part in the questionnare were 14-16 year olds there was still a proportion of people who were 17-20 year olds. Therefore I feel that I should target my magazine to 14-20 year olds.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Summary of results from my questionnaire

Here are the results from the tick box questions from my primary research. A mixture of females and males were asked as well as a sample size of 20 people in total.

1.      What gender are you?
Male = 8          Female =12

2.      How old are you?
14-16 = 11       17-20= 9

3.      How often do you buy magazines?
Weakly =1   Monthly =11    Yearly =7   Never =1

4.      What magazines do you buy?
Music =8    Lifestyle = 3    Other=10  None=1

5.      What social networking sites do you use?
Facebook =16   Twitter = 1    Other = 1

6.      How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
50p-£1 = 5     £1-£2 = 6     £2-£3 =6    £3-£4 = 2   4+ =1

7.      Are you willing to buy a music magazine?
Yes =9    Maybe =9  No = 1

Questionnaire as part of my primary research

As part of my AS Media Coursework I am creating a music magazine. I have decided to design a questionnaire as part of my primary research. I would be grateful if you could take some time to complete this questionnaire.

Music Magazine Questionnaire.
1.      What gender are you?
Male                          Female

2.      How old are you?

14-16                        17-20

3.      How often do you do you buy magazines?

Daily                Weekly             Monthly              Yearly

4.      What type of magazines do you buy?

Music                 Lifestyle              Educational               Other

5.      What features do you expect to see in a music magazine?

6.      What type of music do you listen to?

7.      What music channels do you listen to?

8.      What social networking sites do you use?

Facebook                  Bebo                 Twitter                  Other

9.      What are your hobbies?

10.   How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
      50p-£1               £1-£2            £2-£3            £3-£4           £4+

11.   Are you willing to buy a music magazine?
Yes               Maybe             No

Sunday 30 January 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread

This double page spread is taken from the music magazine ‘NME’. Looking at the general layout of the double page spread I can see that it is clearly laid out. For instance the article is written in columns on the bottom half of the left hand page whilst the right hand page consists of the main image which is a medium close up of the artist Lily Allen. The top half of the left hand page is taken up by the title. This type of layout makes it very easy for audience to acknowledge what information Is on the double page. It also is effective because it doesn’t look overcrowded therefore less bombarding with information.
The right hand side of the page is purely taken up by the image of Lilly Allen. The size of the image is heavily emphasized which immediately draw the audience’s attention to be on her as she is the main focus of the article. The main image shows Lilley Allen with her hands on her hips looking directly at the camera which shows that a direct mode of address is being used to draw in the reader as well has connoting a laid back attitude as she is leaning forward with her hands on her hips. Mise-en –scene shows that she is wearing a red checkered shirt. The blackness of her short cropped hair is also emphasised as well as the dark eye makeup which suggests she is trying to portray a pop/ rock type of image. Her features allow audience to identify with her as she resembles a laid back pop/rock artist. The fact that checkered shirts are highly in fashion also allow the audience to identify with her as she is young and modernly dressed.
The title of the magazine is unconventional as it is a direct quote ‘People think I’m an attention seeker but I am just being honest’. The quote is used in a way as it subverts and challenges stereotypical conventional views that are often associated with artists and allows audience to empathise with her as she is talking about what people think about her thus making them want to read on further as to what she expresses in the article. The quote also gives the audience an insight into her personality another feature audience can use as a means of identification. The quote shows her to be quite humble and down to earth however goes against the subliminal message of the image which shows her to be quite bold and boisterous.
The article is conventionally written in that the format is typically in columns with a headline before the actual article starts. The font is clear and concise on that the size of the font is just right as it is not too small and not to big. The title however is unconventional as it represents the images persona. The black background of the writing and the white font add to the boldness of the double page spread. It also ties in nicely with the rock/pop image Lilly Allen conveys thus fitting the ambience/ theme of the actual music magazine itself.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis 2

The contents page of Q magazine has many typical conventions associated with other music magazines. The contents page of Q has two main purposes; the contents page is used as a means of identifying with the audience and is used to inform the audience of the content of the magazine and what is expected in the main body of the magazine. These purposes allow promotion of the magazine as a whole and provides a brand identity which allows the audience to identify with. As with any type of magazine, the contents page of Q has a clear and concise structure/layout this is so readers know exactly what is included in the magazine and what pages to find the articles/posters or information on. Conventional features of the contents page include the title and date in the top left hand corner which is iconic as it shows how recent the issue of the magazine is.
The contents page has one main font which is Calibri and uses two main colours which is black and white. The black text is on a white background which makes it stand out and the white text is either on a black background or a red one, this is so the text is separated which makes information clearer to read and doesn’t bombard the audience with too much information at one time. The contrast in these colours also makes the copy stand out amongst the rest of the contents, this draws in the audience’s attention. Hand in hand with the fonts and colours used in the text catchy sell lines such as ‘He’s showing off: Liam Frays mum hits nail on head’ also grabs the audience attention as the phrase is intriguing which perhaps suggests audience would want to find out about the full version of the story.
The text of the contents page is in a column and continues down to the bottom of the page. The layout of the text allows room for the main image which is a long shot of four casually dressed white males standing on a hill top. The men are all wearing t-shirts and jeans which detonate causality a element of which audience can identify with. The background also suggests that they are quite rural(country) as they are standing on a hill top another feature the audience can identify with. The overall image is useful as it again grabs attention and draws audiences in.
At the bottom of the page is a smaller image of a person named; ‘Nick Cave’ leaning against a pillar. He is wearing a suit which shows classiness. Although this image has no connection or resemblance to the rest of the magazine it shows that the magazine has a wide range of content . The title above the image tells the audience that it is a review. A smaller caption alongside it which says ‘The world’s biggest and best music guide’ gives the audience an insight about the review. This could be another feature which audiences  may be interested in.
The contents page of Q magazine is different to the contents page of Vibe, this is because both magazines appeal to different audiences who are interested in different aspects and genres of music. Because of this reason the main sell lines are different in that they try and draw their readers in in different ways. An example of this is in Vibe’s contents page they have a whole section devoted to fashion whereas Q has a section devoted to reviews. The layouts of both magazines are also very different which show that they are trying to appeal to their target audience. Vibe has three contents pages which is useful to the target audience as information is spread out whereas Q has only one contents page with quite a bit of information on it however is broken down with the use of different fonts and background colours.