Sunday 30 January 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread

This double page spread is taken from the music magazine ‘NME’. Looking at the general layout of the double page spread I can see that it is clearly laid out. For instance the article is written in columns on the bottom half of the left hand page whilst the right hand page consists of the main image which is a medium close up of the artist Lily Allen. The top half of the left hand page is taken up by the title. This type of layout makes it very easy for audience to acknowledge what information Is on the double page. It also is effective because it doesn’t look overcrowded therefore less bombarding with information.
The right hand side of the page is purely taken up by the image of Lilly Allen. The size of the image is heavily emphasized which immediately draw the audience’s attention to be on her as she is the main focus of the article. The main image shows Lilley Allen with her hands on her hips looking directly at the camera which shows that a direct mode of address is being used to draw in the reader as well has connoting a laid back attitude as she is leaning forward with her hands on her hips. Mise-en –scene shows that she is wearing a red checkered shirt. The blackness of her short cropped hair is also emphasised as well as the dark eye makeup which suggests she is trying to portray a pop/ rock type of image. Her features allow audience to identify with her as she resembles a laid back pop/rock artist. The fact that checkered shirts are highly in fashion also allow the audience to identify with her as she is young and modernly dressed.
The title of the magazine is unconventional as it is a direct quote ‘People think I’m an attention seeker but I am just being honest’. The quote is used in a way as it subverts and challenges stereotypical conventional views that are often associated with artists and allows audience to empathise with her as she is talking about what people think about her thus making them want to read on further as to what she expresses in the article. The quote also gives the audience an insight into her personality another feature audience can use as a means of identification. The quote shows her to be quite humble and down to earth however goes against the subliminal message of the image which shows her to be quite bold and boisterous.
The article is conventionally written in that the format is typically in columns with a headline before the actual article starts. The font is clear and concise on that the size of the font is just right as it is not too small and not to big. The title however is unconventional as it represents the images persona. The black background of the writing and the white font add to the boldness of the double page spread. It also ties in nicely with the rock/pop image Lilly Allen conveys thus fitting the ambience/ theme of the actual music magazine itself.

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