Wednesday 9 February 2011

1. Melody Beats
2. Melody Beats
3. Melody Beats
4. Melody Beats
5. Melody Beats
6. Melody Beats
7. Melody Beats
8. Melody Beats
9. Melody Beats
10. Melody Beats
11. Melody Beats
12. Melody Beats
13 .Melody Beats
14. Melody Beats

The above is a rough brainstorm of some fonts I considered of using for the title (Melody Beats) in my music magazine front cover.The font I have chosen is  font number 8. I chose this font as I think it would directly address my target audience who are 14-20 year olds, this is because the font looks young and appealing furthermore I think it would fit in with my RnB genre.

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