Friday 25 March 2011

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Rare Soundz a newly renowned girl group based in the UK recently released their new single ‘Struggle’, which went straight to number1 in the charts. Starting off as four individuals Kyra, Tasmin, Shona and Leah were brought together to become one of the youngest most successful girl group the UK has ever seen.

How and where did you guys meet?
Tasmin: Well we were all at a performing arts audition and Kyra and Leah were a kind of duet who were auditioning together where’s me and Shona were auditioning singly.
Shona : We were all in the same audition group and well the audition didn’t go too greatly and only Kyra went through.
Kyra: I couldn’t believe I got through and Leah didn’t so in the end it was a really hard decision to accept the offered place so I basically rejected them. When we got out of the audition all the other girls were crying because it really meant a lot to them so I kind of gave them all a hug. From there we swapped numbers.
Leah: We met up one day and eventually as time passed we became so close. We were adamant that we didn’t want our talent to go to waste so we decided to give it a go as a girl group. We rehearsed religiously for just over a year and were spotted by a group of artist & repertoires at a talent show and basically our career took off from there.

Before you got noticed and signed you guys used to be underrated artists, why do you think it took such a long time for you to get noticed?
Kyra: Each of us are unique in what we do and in terms of personality. It took us quite a while to figure out how we can maximise our talent in the group.
Shona: At times it was difficult and yeah at one point I did think that the girl group wouldn’t work because our voices and personalities were so different, but in the end we pulled through. We now understand each other so much better and this is channelled through our music.
Leah: It took us a while because we had to perfect our image, our music. Now look at us, The Saturday’s ain’t got nothing on us. (All girls laugh)
Tasmin: Practice makes perfect! (All girls laugh again)
Your single ‘Struggle’ reached no1 within 2 weeks of being released did you expect it to be such a hit?
Leah:  Not really, we weren’t expecting such a huge reaction, so i think we all were taken back a bit when we heard our single was being played and listened to everywhere and that it was no1 in just two weeks.
Tasmin: We weren’t expecting such a phenomenal reaction. Our actual original single we first made got rejected as it sounded to cliché so we scrapped that and created Struggle.
Shona: Were all just so happy our music is now recognised. We never thought that we would reach this far in the first place, so it’s a huge achievement for us.
Kyra: (Laughs) The others just about covered everything.

 What was the meaning behind the song ‘Struggle’?
Shona: OK I’m going to speak on behalf of all of us that way it saves time. We called the song Struggle because the song itself resembles our story of success and how we got to where we are now. A lot of under rated stars can relate to the song as what happened to us is what they are going through. The song Struggle conveys a simple message of ‘If you stay persistent and strong, good fortune will come your way’ ,which is what we want to tell people who listen to the song . We never gave up so nor should you.

The name of your group and your first single seems extremely close to heart and passionate. Name 3 words to describe the emotions that express both these names.
Leah:  Passion, commitment and support.
Kyra: Strentgh, Unique, Beloningness.
Shona: Rare, Beauty, Hope.
Tasmin: Personality, Music, Love.

Do you plan to collaborate and work with other artists in the future?
Tasmin: Of course! Right now we’re working on something but we can’t tell you what just yet. But yes we would love to work with other artists.
Kyra: The opportunities are endless.
Shona: Why not the more we gain experience the better the music.
Leah: Personally i would love to work with Bruno Mars!
A little birdie told us your working on a album, can you tell us a little bit about the album?
Kyra: All will be revealed in due time. ( All smile and laugh)

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