Tuesday 1 February 2011

Summary of results from my questionnaire

Here are the results from the tick box questions from my primary research. A mixture of females and males were asked as well as a sample size of 20 people in total.

1.      What gender are you?
Male = 8          Female =12

2.      How old are you?
14-16 = 11       17-20= 9

3.      How often do you buy magazines?
Weakly =1   Monthly =11    Yearly =7   Never =1

4.      What magazines do you buy?
Music =8    Lifestyle = 3    Other=10  None=1

5.      What social networking sites do you use?
Facebook =16   Twitter = 1    Other = 1

6.      How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
50p-£1 = 5     £1-£2 = 6     £2-£3 =6    £3-£4 = 2   4+ =1

7.      Are you willing to buy a music magazine?
Yes =9    Maybe =9  No = 1

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