Wednesday 26 January 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis 2

The contents page of Q magazine has many typical conventions associated with other music magazines. The contents page of Q has two main purposes; the contents page is used as a means of identifying with the audience and is used to inform the audience of the content of the magazine and what is expected in the main body of the magazine. These purposes allow promotion of the magazine as a whole and provides a brand identity which allows the audience to identify with. As with any type of magazine, the contents page of Q has a clear and concise structure/layout this is so readers know exactly what is included in the magazine and what pages to find the articles/posters or information on. Conventional features of the contents page include the title and date in the top left hand corner which is iconic as it shows how recent the issue of the magazine is.
The contents page has one main font which is Calibri and uses two main colours which is black and white. The black text is on a white background which makes it stand out and the white text is either on a black background or a red one, this is so the text is separated which makes information clearer to read and doesn’t bombard the audience with too much information at one time. The contrast in these colours also makes the copy stand out amongst the rest of the contents, this draws in the audience’s attention. Hand in hand with the fonts and colours used in the text catchy sell lines such as ‘He’s showing off: Liam Frays mum hits nail on head’ also grabs the audience attention as the phrase is intriguing which perhaps suggests audience would want to find out about the full version of the story.
The text of the contents page is in a column and continues down to the bottom of the page. The layout of the text allows room for the main image which is a long shot of four casually dressed white males standing on a hill top. The men are all wearing t-shirts and jeans which detonate causality a element of which audience can identify with. The background also suggests that they are quite rural(country) as they are standing on a hill top another feature the audience can identify with. The overall image is useful as it again grabs attention and draws audiences in.
At the bottom of the page is a smaller image of a person named; ‘Nick Cave’ leaning against a pillar. He is wearing a suit which shows classiness. Although this image has no connection or resemblance to the rest of the magazine it shows that the magazine has a wide range of content . The title above the image tells the audience that it is a review. A smaller caption alongside it which says ‘The world’s biggest and best music guide’ gives the audience an insight about the review. This could be another feature which audiences  may be interested in.
The contents page of Q magazine is different to the contents page of Vibe, this is because both magazines appeal to different audiences who are interested in different aspects and genres of music. Because of this reason the main sell lines are different in that they try and draw their readers in in different ways. An example of this is in Vibe’s contents page they have a whole section devoted to fashion whereas Q has a section devoted to reviews. The layouts of both magazines are also very different which show that they are trying to appeal to their target audience. Vibe has three contents pages which is useful to the target audience as information is spread out whereas Q has only one contents page with quite a bit of information on it however is broken down with the use of different fonts and background colours.

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