Tuesday 1 February 2011

Questionnaire as part of my primary research

As part of my AS Media Coursework I am creating a music magazine. I have decided to design a questionnaire as part of my primary research. I would be grateful if you could take some time to complete this questionnaire.

Music Magazine Questionnaire.
1.      What gender are you?
Male                          Female

2.      How old are you?

14-16                        17-20

3.      How often do you do you buy magazines?

Daily                Weekly             Monthly              Yearly

4.      What type of magazines do you buy?

Music                 Lifestyle              Educational               Other

5.      What features do you expect to see in a music magazine?

6.      What type of music do you listen to?

7.      What music channels do you listen to?

8.      What social networking sites do you use?

Facebook                  Bebo                 Twitter                  Other

9.      What are your hobbies?

10.   How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
      50p-£1               £1-£2            £2-£3            £3-£4           £4+

11.   Are you willing to buy a music magazine?
Yes               Maybe             No

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