Wednesday 26 January 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis 1

The contents page of Vibe is typical in that there are many conventional denotations and connotations of magazine contents pages. The contents page of any magazine provides one main purpose which is to inform the reader of what is expected in the magazine. This purpose allows promotion of the magazine as a whole and provides a brand identity which allows the audience to identify with. As with any type of magazine, the contents page of Vibe has a clear and concise structure/layout this is so readers know exactly what is included in the magazine and what pages to find the articles/posters or information on. Vibe usually has three contents pages in their magazine; this allows the text to be spread out which benefits the audience in that they are not bombarded with information. Also the text of the contents page is in a single column on the right hand side of the page which makes way for the main image which is seen to be the main focus with Vibe magazine.  There is use of two main colours in the contents page which is black and grey both are effective as they blend with the grey background which give the contents page a classy subtle look which could be tied in with the theme of the magazine hence draws the audience’s attention.
The background of the contents page is a light grey wash whilst the ‘V’ of the background is a dark grey. The contrast of the two greys is clever as it provides brand identity which audience can identify with as well as promoting the magazine. Vibe’s contents page subverts the typical conventions readers expect to see in other magazines as it doesn’t have a title as such or a date.
The main image which is central of the page is of the rapper Kanye West. This could suggest that he would be featured in one of the articles. The medium shot of Kanye West is also grey with the exception of a female’s hand holding a red heart over the left side of Kanye’s heart, this could represent his sexuality. He also wears a grey suit with his hands in his pockets which suggest he is confident as well as depicting a laid back attitude.  The contrast could suggest that maybe the theme of the magazine is about love. Also as the whole colour scheme of the contents page is grey which is associated with cold feelings, the red heart in a way adds some warmth to the page. The shot uses a direct mode of address which shows that it is directly addressing the audience. However in my opinion the contents does not really seem to draw the audience in as the colours and the image used are quite dull looking and depressing.
At the bottom of the magazine is the website for the magazine. Here Vibe is identifying with their target audience as contemporary media users (internet). The contents page of this Vibe’s issue shows that there main theme is love, money and fashion.

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