Sunday 30 January 2011

Music Magazine Double Page Spread

This double page spread is taken from the music magazine ‘NME’. Looking at the general layout of the double page spread I can see that it is clearly laid out. For instance the article is written in columns on the bottom half of the left hand page whilst the right hand page consists of the main image which is a medium close up of the artist Lily Allen. The top half of the left hand page is taken up by the title. This type of layout makes it very easy for audience to acknowledge what information Is on the double page. It also is effective because it doesn’t look overcrowded therefore less bombarding with information.
The right hand side of the page is purely taken up by the image of Lilly Allen. The size of the image is heavily emphasized which immediately draw the audience’s attention to be on her as she is the main focus of the article. The main image shows Lilley Allen with her hands on her hips looking directly at the camera which shows that a direct mode of address is being used to draw in the reader as well has connoting a laid back attitude as she is leaning forward with her hands on her hips. Mise-en –scene shows that she is wearing a red checkered shirt. The blackness of her short cropped hair is also emphasised as well as the dark eye makeup which suggests she is trying to portray a pop/ rock type of image. Her features allow audience to identify with her as she resembles a laid back pop/rock artist. The fact that checkered shirts are highly in fashion also allow the audience to identify with her as she is young and modernly dressed.
The title of the magazine is unconventional as it is a direct quote ‘People think I’m an attention seeker but I am just being honest’. The quote is used in a way as it subverts and challenges stereotypical conventional views that are often associated with artists and allows audience to empathise with her as she is talking about what people think about her thus making them want to read on further as to what she expresses in the article. The quote also gives the audience an insight into her personality another feature audience can use as a means of identification. The quote shows her to be quite humble and down to earth however goes against the subliminal message of the image which shows her to be quite bold and boisterous.
The article is conventionally written in that the format is typically in columns with a headline before the actual article starts. The font is clear and concise on that the size of the font is just right as it is not too small and not to big. The title however is unconventional as it represents the images persona. The black background of the writing and the white font add to the boldness of the double page spread. It also ties in nicely with the rock/pop image Lilly Allen conveys thus fitting the ambience/ theme of the actual music magazine itself.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis 2

The contents page of Q magazine has many typical conventions associated with other music magazines. The contents page of Q has two main purposes; the contents page is used as a means of identifying with the audience and is used to inform the audience of the content of the magazine and what is expected in the main body of the magazine. These purposes allow promotion of the magazine as a whole and provides a brand identity which allows the audience to identify with. As with any type of magazine, the contents page of Q has a clear and concise structure/layout this is so readers know exactly what is included in the magazine and what pages to find the articles/posters or information on. Conventional features of the contents page include the title and date in the top left hand corner which is iconic as it shows how recent the issue of the magazine is.
The contents page has one main font which is Calibri and uses two main colours which is black and white. The black text is on a white background which makes it stand out and the white text is either on a black background or a red one, this is so the text is separated which makes information clearer to read and doesn’t bombard the audience with too much information at one time. The contrast in these colours also makes the copy stand out amongst the rest of the contents, this draws in the audience’s attention. Hand in hand with the fonts and colours used in the text catchy sell lines such as ‘He’s showing off: Liam Frays mum hits nail on head’ also grabs the audience attention as the phrase is intriguing which perhaps suggests audience would want to find out about the full version of the story.
The text of the contents page is in a column and continues down to the bottom of the page. The layout of the text allows room for the main image which is a long shot of four casually dressed white males standing on a hill top. The men are all wearing t-shirts and jeans which detonate causality a element of which audience can identify with. The background also suggests that they are quite rural(country) as they are standing on a hill top another feature the audience can identify with. The overall image is useful as it again grabs attention and draws audiences in.
At the bottom of the page is a smaller image of a person named; ‘Nick Cave’ leaning against a pillar. He is wearing a suit which shows classiness. Although this image has no connection or resemblance to the rest of the magazine it shows that the magazine has a wide range of content . The title above the image tells the audience that it is a review. A smaller caption alongside it which says ‘The world’s biggest and best music guide’ gives the audience an insight about the review. This could be another feature which audiences  may be interested in.
The contents page of Q magazine is different to the contents page of Vibe, this is because both magazines appeal to different audiences who are interested in different aspects and genres of music. Because of this reason the main sell lines are different in that they try and draw their readers in in different ways. An example of this is in Vibe’s contents page they have a whole section devoted to fashion whereas Q has a section devoted to reviews. The layouts of both magazines are also very different which show that they are trying to appeal to their target audience. Vibe has three contents pages which is useful to the target audience as information is spread out whereas Q has only one contents page with quite a bit of information on it however is broken down with the use of different fonts and background colours.

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis 1

The contents page of Vibe is typical in that there are many conventional denotations and connotations of magazine contents pages. The contents page of any magazine provides one main purpose which is to inform the reader of what is expected in the magazine. This purpose allows promotion of the magazine as a whole and provides a brand identity which allows the audience to identify with. As with any type of magazine, the contents page of Vibe has a clear and concise structure/layout this is so readers know exactly what is included in the magazine and what pages to find the articles/posters or information on. Vibe usually has three contents pages in their magazine; this allows the text to be spread out which benefits the audience in that they are not bombarded with information. Also the text of the contents page is in a single column on the right hand side of the page which makes way for the main image which is seen to be the main focus with Vibe magazine.  There is use of two main colours in the contents page which is black and grey both are effective as they blend with the grey background which give the contents page a classy subtle look which could be tied in with the theme of the magazine hence draws the audience’s attention.
The background of the contents page is a light grey wash whilst the ‘V’ of the background is a dark grey. The contrast of the two greys is clever as it provides brand identity which audience can identify with as well as promoting the magazine. Vibe’s contents page subverts the typical conventions readers expect to see in other magazines as it doesn’t have a title as such or a date.
The main image which is central of the page is of the rapper Kanye West. This could suggest that he would be featured in one of the articles. The medium shot of Kanye West is also grey with the exception of a female’s hand holding a red heart over the left side of Kanye’s heart, this could represent his sexuality. He also wears a grey suit with his hands in his pockets which suggest he is confident as well as depicting a laid back attitude.  The contrast could suggest that maybe the theme of the magazine is about love. Also as the whole colour scheme of the contents page is grey which is associated with cold feelings, the red heart in a way adds some warmth to the page. The shot uses a direct mode of address which shows that it is directly addressing the audience. However in my opinion the contents does not really seem to draw the audience in as the colours and the image used are quite dull looking and depressing.
At the bottom of the magazine is the website for the magazine. Here Vibe is identifying with their target audience as contemporary media users (internet). The contents page of this Vibe’s issue shows that there main theme is love, money and fashion.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Music Magazine Front Cover Analaysis 3

Kerrang is a rock music magazine published by Bauer Consumer Media in the United Kingdom and is issued once a month. The magazine's name is onomatopoeic as it refers to the sound made when playing a power chord on an electric guitar. The name Kerrang can be used as a means of identifying with their target audience which is 16-24 year old both male and female who have an acquired taste for music (Rock and Heavy metal).

In regards to the copy the text is different in comparison to Vibe and Rap up in that there are a number of different fonts used (Arial and Calibri) however is similar as it uses the same two colours in the text which are white and yellow which stand out amongst the rest of magazine and draw the reader in.

The main image is of the Green Day band. The shot used is a medium close up which enables the audience to see all three of the band members. A direct mode of address is also used which can be used to address the audience and grab there attention. Hand in hand the conventions that are used grab and draw audiences attention thus expanding individual’s music knowledge as well as keeping them updated with information from the music genres the magazine specialises in which expands their musical knowledge. Other typical features like barcodes and dates are seen in music magazines which just inform the audience about how recent the issue is and the price of the music magazine.
The mast head is written in a black bold font in front of a white background which makes it stand out. Other headings like ‘Steel Panther’ are written in yellow with a black background, the contrast of the two colours makes the text stand out which again is used to catch audience attention. Furthermore the catchy phrases give an insight as to what the magazine is about. For example ‘Everything YOU wanted to know about the punk megastars’, not only address the audience directly but gives the audience a hint as to what is included in the magazine.The word 'plus' also grabs the audiences attention as it directly infroms them. It shows that there is more to the content of the magazine which incourages audience to buy the magazine.

On the right hand side of the page there are a number of images of rock artists. The heading above it tells the audience that there are posters of these rock artists inside the magazine. From this peice of information we are able to conclude that Kerrang readers like posters as a feature of the magazine.

Music Magazine Front Cover Analaysis 2

Rap up is a music magazine which is globally recognised. It was founded in 2001 and has featured world renowned artists such as Drake, Rhianna and Beyonce. In 2006 Rap up was nominated for    ‘Best new consumer publication’, and received an award for ‘Best Hip Hop magazine’. Two issues of Rap up are released per year of which target specific themes. For example the Rap Up magazine featured above was issued in Summer 2005 and its key theme was money as shown in the masthead.The theme of money connoted on the mast head and the sell line on the left suggest that the featured artists have a lot of money and audience can get rich like them by reading '18 power hustlers- get that money'. Thus is a means of audience identification.Another view of the money theme could be of how artists got their money. The colloquial word'hustle' perhaps suggests that some artists made money by hustling. The magazines title has connotations of youth culture as ‘rap’ is associated with youth as well as depicting musical elements. From its connotations we are able to tell that the target audience for Rap up magazine is roughly 16 – 24 year olds, both male and female.
In regards to the copy, majority of the text is written in block capitals in Calibri font in the colours white and yellow. This contrasts with the grey/blue background thus making the text stand out and appealing to the audience. Both the white and yellow colours of the text complement each other as they give the magazine a sophisticated but urban look, again appealing to their target audience.
 The main image is long shot of Toni Braxton which is in the centre of the magazine. Although this shot is not a common shot used in music magazine (music magazines usually used medium close ups) it  is a typical feature expected in music magazines in that all music magazines have a famous rapper or singer featured in the middle of the magazine front cover. A long shot of Toni Braxton is used as it complements her womanly figure. A direct form of address is also used which is useful as it draws in audience attention as she looks seductive. Hand in hand the conventions that are used grab and draw audiences thus expanding individual’s music knowledge as well as keeping them updated with information from the music genres the magazine specialises in which expands their musical knowledge. Other typical features like barcodes and dates are seen in music magazines which just inform the audience about how recent the issue is and the price of the music magazine.
The front cover of Rap up is typical in that it has many conventions of music magazines. The mast head and sell lines are both written in white and yellow which are used to attract audience’s attention and to inform them on the content of the magazine. Short catchy phrases like ‘Lil Kim wanna bumble with the Bee?’ grab the audience’s attention and hook them in. Furthermore the catchy phrases give an insight as to what the magazine is about.

Music Magazine Front Cover Analaysis 1

rapper drake vibe magazine Drake Makes Front Cover Of VIBE Magazine

Vibe is a music and entertainment magazine founded by producer Quincy Jones. After shutting down production in Summer 2009, Vibe was purchased by InterMedia Partners and is now issued quarterly. The magazine’s title ‘Vibe’ can be interpreted as  an colloquial connataion, conveying a musical element, as well as depicting youth culture,because of this youth element the target audience for Vibe Music Magazine is 16 – 24 year olds, male and female.
In regards to the copy, most of the text is in blocks with an arial font. The colours yellow and white that are used in the copy not only make the text stand out but provide a strong contrast amongst the black background which makes the text stand out thus drawing the audience in. The font and the colour of the text both are complemntary to eachother as it gives the magazine a classy but ‘hip’ look which reinforces the target audience.
The main image in the centre of Vibe magazine is a meduim close up of ther rapper Drake.A direct mode of address is used which allows the audience to relate to Drake. He also  has a neutral facial expression which convey’s seriousness. He wears a black baseball hat which is signifcant as the target audience can relate to it as youth nowadays wear baseball hats . He also wear’s a black tshirt with the word ‘UNSTOPPABLE’ written on it in capital letters. ‘UNSTOPPABLE’ is written in a block arial font In white which again contrasts with the black tshirt making  the  magazine eye catching and appealing. 
The front cover of Vibe connotes many typical conventions that are expected in music magazines. The mast head and sell lines are written in two basic colours; white and yellow to attract the audience’s attention and to inform them on the content of the magazine. Furthermore the white and yellow colours could be used to appeal the target audience.
Short catchy phrases and alliterations like ‘Drakes hip hop’s new religion and Serena strikes back’ hook and grab the audience’s attention and give an insight as to what is in the magazine. Hand in hand the conventions that are used grab and draw audiences thus expanding individual’s music knowledge as well as keeping them updated with information from the music genres the magazine specialises in which expands their musical knowledge. Other typical features like barcodes and dates are seen in music magazines which just inform the audience about how recent the issue is and the price of the music magazine.

The word 'new' on the corner of the 'V' on the title Vibe is significant as when a person first looks at a magazine their eyes often look towards the top left corner. The word 'new' tells the audience how recent the magazine is and draws them into the magazine. Furthermore in regards to the growing online age, Vibe has a website  link shown above the barcode. This informs the audience that there is more information online and that Vibe has other ways in which they can distribute inorder to keep up with modern technology.