Thursday 24 February 2011

Mood/Inspiration Board

The above is a mood/inspiration board of things that caught my attention when planning and researching for my music magazine.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Audio File Editing

The print screen above is of the focus group interview. The above is evidence of how I edited the audio file in order to take out pauses and errors.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

1. Melody Beats
2. Melody Beats
3. Melody Beats
4. Melody Beats
5. Melody Beats
6. Melody Beats
7. Melody Beats
8. Melody Beats
9. Melody Beats
10. Melody Beats
11. Melody Beats
12. Melody Beats
13 .Melody Beats
14. Melody Beats

The above is a rough brainstorm of some fonts I considered of using for the title (Melody Beats) in my music magazine front cover.The font I have chosen is  font number 8. I chose this font as I think it would directly address my target audience who are 14-20 year olds, this is because the font looks young and appealing furthermore I think it would fit in with my RnB genre.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Double Page Spread Sketch 2

The above is a second sketch of a possible layout of a double page spread that I may use in my music magazine. As with the other sketch and other music magazines out there, this layout is typical in that it follows similar conventions. Like the first sketch the main image is too the left . The title too is to the left as on the right hand side towards the bottom half of the page is where the copy is . The top half of the right hand side is where another image could go. This layout is effective as it is very simplistic and follows the impression that readers like to read the article and focus on pictures thus the reason why a image is on the  left hand side and the top half of the right hand side. This layout is very basic in that everything that is included in the double page spread is easily recognisable and visble.Again like the first sketch it doesnt over crowed the readers with too much information. Furthermore the number of images is likely to attact readers as it looks more appealing.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Double Page Spread Sketch 1

The above is my first sketch of what my double page spread could potentially look like. As with any other music magazine double page spread the main image is to the left  and the copy where the article would go is on the right hand side. Conventially the title of the article will be at the top. The layout of the double page spread shown above is specific in that it is failry spaced out, thus doesnt bombared the reader with too much wirting . The main image to the left is contributary in  that it draws readers attention as the first thing that stands out to them on the page is a image.

Front Page Sketch Two

The above shows another possible layout of my music magazine. This layout is slightly more formal than the previous front page sketch however the layout is blocked out in a way which allows for more image space and less writing.

Friday 4 February 2011

Front Page Sketch One

The above shows a rough sketch of my contents page. The contents page is clearly layed out. Like other music magazines there is a space for the title at the top of the page, there are boxes on the right hand side where the copy will go and on the left hand side a large space where a portait image would go. The layout of this contents page is quite spacious which benifits the audience as they would notbe overloaded with information.

Brief Plan

The above is just a simple really brief spider diagram of all the possibe features I expect to include in my final music magazine. As you can see it includes typical features that are expected in music magazines which will guide me when I start creating my actual music magazine.

Thursday 3 February 2011


Music Magazine names ideas
Treble beats
Treble Clef
Tick Tock

Here are a few ideas of names for my music magazine. As you can see they follow a trend in that they all follow a rnb/grime music theme.( The theme I have chosen for my music magazine).


This is a plan of the layout of how I think the layout of how my magazine should be. As you can see they layout has many typical features of a music magazine for example main image,masthead and sell lines. The layout is also spaced out which is usefull as in my final music magazine audience will not be bombarded with information as the layout is clearly structured and concise.


The image  above is a simple brainstorm i did of all the things i thought should be included in a music magazine. For example in the front cover of a magazine a main image is used which is used to draw audience in and as a means of identification. Another example of what would be expected in a front cover is sell lines, these are used to grab the audiences attention and draw them into the magazine. A feature expected in a contents page is a main image which audience use to identify with. Another feature expected in the contents page is a website . As audiences of the 21st centuray have become active users the online facilty has seen a rapid growth. Thefore many musics magazines now have a website link on their contents page where audiences can now get information online.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Graph 5 analysis

One of the last questions I asked in my questionnare was 'How much are you willing yo pay for a music  magazine'? Looking at the graph you can see that none of the people that took part in the questionnare were willing to pay over £4 and that the majority were only willing to pay £1-£3. From these results I think the optimum price at which to charge for my magazine would be £2-£3 .

Graph 4 analysis

Looking at the pie chart i am able to conclude that a large proportion of people buy magazines on a monthly basis,because of this I think that it would be ideal that my music magazine should be issued on a monthly basis. I also think it is a good idea to realse issues monthly so that the audience look foward as to what is coming in the upcoming issues as a appose to having a issue a week where audience might get slightly bored of reading about similar things.

Graph 3 analysis

From the graph you can see that the majority of the people that took part in my questionnare use the social networking site Facebook, therfore I feel that adding a Facebook link to my magazine or a Facebook magazine fan page would be worth while as the questionnare young people use Facebook regularly.

Graph 2 analysis

A second question I asked in my questionnare was ' What gender are you'? From the results above you can see that 12 females took part in my questionnare and 8 males took part. As the questionnare was handed out randomly I think that looking at the general results I should target both male and females in my music magazine as there wasnt a big difference between the number of males and females.

Graph 1 analysis

One of the questions I asked as part of my preliminary research was 'How old are you'? As shown on the graph majority of the people that answered the questionnare were in the age group 14-16. This suggests to me that I should perhaps target my magazine towards 14-20 years olds, even though majority of the people that took part in the questionnare were 14-16 year olds there was still a proportion of people who were 17-20 year olds. Therefore I feel that I should target my magazine to 14-20 year olds.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Summary of results from my questionnaire

Here are the results from the tick box questions from my primary research. A mixture of females and males were asked as well as a sample size of 20 people in total.

1.      What gender are you?
Male = 8          Female =12

2.      How old are you?
14-16 = 11       17-20= 9

3.      How often do you buy magazines?
Weakly =1   Monthly =11    Yearly =7   Never =1

4.      What magazines do you buy?
Music =8    Lifestyle = 3    Other=10  None=1

5.      What social networking sites do you use?
Facebook =16   Twitter = 1    Other = 1

6.      How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
50p-£1 = 5     £1-£2 = 6     £2-£3 =6    £3-£4 = 2   4+ =1

7.      Are you willing to buy a music magazine?
Yes =9    Maybe =9  No = 1

Questionnaire as part of my primary research

As part of my AS Media Coursework I am creating a music magazine. I have decided to design a questionnaire as part of my primary research. I would be grateful if you could take some time to complete this questionnaire.

Music Magazine Questionnaire.
1.      What gender are you?
Male                          Female

2.      How old are you?

14-16                        17-20

3.      How often do you do you buy magazines?

Daily                Weekly             Monthly              Yearly

4.      What type of magazines do you buy?

Music                 Lifestyle              Educational               Other

5.      What features do you expect to see in a music magazine?

6.      What type of music do you listen to?

7.      What music channels do you listen to?

8.      What social networking sites do you use?

Facebook                  Bebo                 Twitter                  Other

9.      What are your hobbies?

10.   How much are you willing to pay for a music magazine?
      50p-£1               £1-£2            £2-£3            £3-£4           £4+

11.   Are you willing to buy a music magazine?
Yes               Maybe             No